Handshake: Experiences
Use for: Reporting/Tracking Student Experiences

Handshake: Experiences allows students to report their experiential learning experiences in one place for the university and instructors to track. Students can report- internships, co-ops, undergraduate research, and part-time jobs (on or off-campus), etc. Once reported, these experiences can be instantly added to the student’s Handshake profile for employers to view if desired. Departments and colleges can request reports of their students when needed as well to centralize this data collection.
Reporting an Experience
In report an experience, you will:
- Use this link and log into Handshake with Single Sign-On
- Choose the Experience Template that fits your situation:
- Options include:
- General Experience (internships, service learning, study abroad, etc.)
- Undergraduate Research
- FWS Student Employment
- On-campus (non- FWS) Student Employment
- Course specific options
- Options include:
- Select the Term of the experience
- Complete the form
- If you would like the experience added to your profile, check the “Add to Profile?” box at the bottom
- Choose Submit Experience button
For detailed instructions, download the step-by-step guide. If interested in embedding a pre-built Canvas assignment module into your course, use the link below.